Friday, April 21, 2006

If only I could get my life in order and make a little progress!

Let's imagine I am swamped with work. Let's say that I have a ton of work to get done this weekend. Let's say that I have a big assignment due on Monday for my UH class. On top of that, I need to get some lesson plans churned out because it's coming down to the wire, and I really want my kids to learn a thing or two. Vamos supor that I need to get my share of my group's display prepared for the international fair that will take place at the school's open house on Tuesday. I need to go to the post office in Pago Pago, I want to get ahead of my students in the the books they are reading, I need to grade exams that my students took this week, and I must, must, must watch the latest episode of Veronica Mars that we just downloaded.

If the above were true (it is), this is how I'd organize my weekend: Sit on my lazy bootay, lay myself on the sofa and watch a lot of nothing on tv, surf the net, blog, read Pink is the New Blog, eat too much junk, nap, worry about getting everything done, put everything off for another half an hour (repeat the last two steps until weekend is through). I might just end up going to a waterfall that I have not yet visited. That could be fun. Watch Veronica Mars.

Ordem e progresso.


At 3:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think of this way-

If you don't do everything in the first paragraph, you'll have all the time you need to do all the stuff in the second.

That's what works for me anyway...


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