I just watched 13 Going on 30, and now I'm watching last Sunday's episode of Grey's Anatomy.
I loved 13 Going on 30. When I was home last summer, my mother had it, but I never watched it; I did not think I would like it. The whole premise of a child becoming an adult over night does not usually equal a good movie. I had also recently seen Elektra (and never seen Alias), so I was not a very big Jennifer Garner fan. Well I passed on a real gem. Dance routines to MJ's Thriller and Pat's Love is a Battlefield!
What more do you need for a fabulous 98 minute film? Hmm... Judy Greer (aka Kitty "Say goodbye to these!" Sanchez).
"On your best day, that corpse is twice the man you will ever be." Izzy to Alex
I'm very picky about what I watch. I do not get very interested in many shows. I'm a recovering television addict, so I try to avoid nonsence shows that have the potential to suck me in a for nothing. If I am going to indulge it should be something that has some kind of value. From 2000-2002, until I left for Peace Corps, the one show that looked forward to each week was Buffy the Vampire Slayer (see my wish list). Peace Corps = no electricity = no television. Since I've been back, I've been introduced to the show that was Arrested Development (R.I.P.), Veronica Mars (Number one in my book, I love Kristen Bell. Reefer Madness!!!), and Grey's Anatomy. I must admit that I would not die if I missed an episode, but I do so enjoy catching one every week. It has really grown on me. I love Sandra Oh.
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