Sunday, January 01, 2006

Am back in business with a new look for 2006.

So much has occurred in my life since my last post. I don't want to go into all the details because they are complicated, and I don't feel like spending so much time at the keyboard typing. To summarize, I almost left American Samoa. I was offered a dream position teaching in Uganda. I went as far as telling my boss that I was resigning. I told most of the people close to me that I was leaving. Circumstances have changed. I'm no longer leaving. I still have a dream-job offer, but for August. I'm going to complete the year here. It's going to work out best for everyone this way.

I continue to do a lot of soul searching. I'm trying to find balance and be happy with my decision, happy where I am in life. I usually do not have such a hard time doing that. This has been one of the strangest experiences of my life. I usually have no problem finding my place in a community and establishing my life where I am, but it has been difficult for me here. I wallowed in self pity for a while, but I'm shutting the pity party down.

On a positive note (see I'm trying), I gave myself a new digital camera for Christmas, so I can post photos to my blog again.

Happy New Year!!!


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