Friday, May 26, 2006


Yes, I'm a jack of all trades but a master of none. I can do sooooooo many things, but I don't do much very well. I've studied five languages, but I'd only say I speak two of them really well. One of them kinda well. I could get by with two of them if I were ever stranded in the country (or area of a country) where they are spoken. I've worked in diverse sectors like education, community development, customer care, and sales. I know tidbits of information about almost every subject. In the past ten years, I've lived in South America for two years, North American for four years, Africa for three years, and a Pacific Island for almost one year. My university transcript is a hodgepodge of courses of various subject areas from massage therapy to genetics of epilepsy. (Yes, I did finish a degree.) I pride myself on being well-rouned, but when it comes down to it, I don't know much about anything. Once in a job interview, the interviewer looked at my résumé and said, "You are too across the board." He advised me to focus on something. I've tried to do that. I really have. I cannot count the times I pick something I was going to focus on and become the world expert on it. If I ever began my pursuit to expert, it ended as soon as I found something better to do. That said, there are areas in which I excel. (Ya know what I mean. No complaints so far.) Let's add weaving palm fronts together to make a plate to my list of things I can do. . .

. . . sort of.


At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Focus on something" is corporate jargon for "submit to becoming a drone".

Too many people measure their success on the tiniest self-absorbed scale they can find. They can’t even find Africa on the map, yet they look down their nose at everyone else for not being carbon copies of themselves.

Don’t become one of them. That interviewer only wishes they could have done half of what you did.

At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think you are perfect in your random knowledge.
and i think your plate is pretty dang groovy too.


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