Monday, April 24, 2006

Ugliest Sign in American


...Possibly the World.

Tradewinds Hotel, the biggest, nicest hotel on the island and owned by one of the richest families on the island. Couldn't the they get a better sign. What's up with the blue arrown pointing you towards the left but down? Is that indicating that the hotel is to the left and on the gound? Thanks for making that clear. The last time I stayed in a hotel not on the ground, I get a little motion sick from all of the bobbing.

The Clarion Hotel sign makes me think of Miss Saigon for some reason.

Maybe I'm confused.

What the hell are these?

They look like a couple of dead shrubs to me. Imagine: On a day with hurricane-force winds, they spin. YIPPY!

The part of the sign that I don't have a problem with

Black and white. Simple. Inviting.

Welcome to Ottoville.

My feelings exactly.


At 1:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up with the restaurant? I've heard of "East meets West" but never North meeting South...

Is that like fishdogs or conch pizza?


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